In July I deleted Instagram from my phone after reading artist Julia Bausenhardt’s two-part post on her experience quitting social media. As for field sketching/nature journaling, I only did two pages in my “good” sketchbook and did a bunch of mixed media, including pen and colored pencil, in the cheaper sketchbook. I’m treating my nature journaling as play and exploration and giving myself permission to bounce from one sketchbook to another. I started archiving my nature journals online so that I can still have a chronological record even though I’m not working in only one or even only two sketchbooks. At the moment, I’m happy to follow my curiosity, rather than arbitrarily restrict myself to any format or subject matter, as I was doing last summer, and drawing in whatever media and style I feel like at the moment. I embraced the ballpoint pen this month; I did not touch my watercolors.
I’ve also been learning the basics of digital illustration, particularly how to use Adobe Illustrator, and I know that the ideas generated by that have some influence on my sketching in the field.
I did get to a lot of great natural areas, including the spectacular Somme Prairie Grove and Middlefork Savanna. I immersed myself in these precious high-quality habitats that allow one to get a sense of what the area’s natural landscape looked like before the arrival of Euro-American settlers.